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What is The Test Pyramid? How To Apply Test Pyramid To Your Strategy?


The Testing Pyramid is a framework in software development that helps organize and manage different types of tests. Its purpose is to ensure efficient and effective testing by structuring tests into a hierarchical model. 


Testing pyramid detailed explanation

At its core, the Testing Pyramid emphasizes the importance of having more low-level tests that are quick to execute and fewer high-level tests that are more complex and time-consuming.

The 3 Levels of Test Pyramid

The Testing Pyramid consists of three main levels:

  1. Unit Testing: This is the foundation of the pyramid. Unit tests focus on individual components of the software, ensuring that each part functions correctly in isolation. These tests are quick to write and execute, making them ideal for catching errors early.
  2. Service Level Testing: The middle layer of the pyramid. Service tests validate the interactions between integrated components. This level includes API testing, contract testing, and integration testing. These tests ensure that different parts of the system work together as expected.
  3. E2E Testing: The top layer of the test pyramid is End-to-End Tests (E2E Tests). These tests focus on verifying that the entire system works together as expected from the user's perspective. These tests are generally fewer in number compared to other types of tests (like unit and integration tests) because they are more complex, slower to run, and can be more brittle.

Each level of the pyramid plays a critical role in ensuring the overall quality and reliability of software. While unit tests catch issues early, service and UI tests help validate the integrated and user-facing aspects of the application.

Let’s learn more about each layer!

Unit Testing: The Foundation

1. What is Unit Testing?

Unit testing involves testing individual parts of a software application to ensure each part works as intended. These individual parts, or "units," are the smallest testable parts of an application, typically functions or methods. The primary purpose of unit tests is to validate that each unit of the software performs its expected function correctly.


cost of fixing defects relative to point at which the bug was discovered


Testing individual components is crucial because it allows developers to detect and fix bugs early in the development process. By isolating each unit, developers can ensure that every part of the application works independently before integrating it with other parts. This approach reduces the complexity of debugging and helps maintain code quality.

2. Best Practices for Unit Testing

To ensure that unit tests are effective, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep Tests Small and Focused: Each unit test should focus on a single piece of functionality. This makes it easier to identify the source of any issues and ensures that tests are straightforward and easy to understand.
  2. Use Mocks and Stubs to Isolate the Unit: Mocks and stubs are used to simulate the behavior of complex objects and external dependencies. By isolating the unit under test, you can ensure that the test results are not affected by other parts of the system. This isolation helps in testing the unit's functionality accurately and reliably.
  3. Ensure Tests are Fast and Reliable: Unit tests should be quick to execute so they can run frequently during development. Slow tests can disrupt the development process and discourage developers from running them often. Reliability is also critical; tests should produce consistent results and not fail intermittently.
  4. Regularly Run Unit Tests During Development: Integrate unit tests into your continuous integration (CI) pipeline to ensure they run automatically whenever code changes occur. Regular testing helps catch issues early and provides continuous feedback to developers.

Learn More: All You Need To Know About Unit Testing 

Service Level Testing: The Middle Layer

1. What is Service Level Testing?

Service Level Testing examines the interactions between different integrated components within a system. 

Unlike unit tests, which focus on individual parts, service tests ensure that multiple components work together correctly. The scope of service testing includes checking how services communicate through APIs, databases, and other interfaces to ensure seamless functionality.


number of tests required for unit testing

2. Key Techniques in Service Testing

To effectively test service levels, use the following key techniques:

  1. API Testing for Validating Endpoints: API testing ensures that each endpoint in your service responds correctly to various requests. This involves sending requests to the API and verifying the responses. You can validate status codes, response times, and data returned by the endpoints. This type of testing is crucial for applications that rely on APIs to fetch or send data.
  2. Contract Testing Between Services: Contract testing checks that two services interact correctly based on a predefined contract or agreement. This involves ensuring that the data format and content exchanged between services meet expectations. Contract tests help prevent issues where one service might change and break another service relying on it.
  3. Integration Testing for Combined Functionality: Integration tests evaluate how different components of the application work together. These tests often involve multiple services and databases to ensure that the entire system operates as expected. Integration testing is more comprehensive than unit or API testing and helps catch issues that might arise only when components interact.

3. Tools for Service-level Testing

#1. Katalon Studio 

Katalon Platform


Recognized by G2 as the market leader in software testing, Katalon is widely known as the leading test automation solution for API, Web, Mobile, and Windows applications. To streamline your API testing process, Katalon offers three distinct testing modes:

  1. No-code: Leveraging the Record-and-Playback functionality, you can capture your manual on-screen actions and convert them into automated test scripts that can be executed repeatedly—no coding required!
  2. Low-code: Katalon provides a library of Built-in Keywords, which are pre-written code snippets with customizable parameters designed for specific actions. For example, a keyword like "Click" simplifies the logic to locate an element (such as a button) and perform the click action, allowing testers to specify the target element without needing to write code.
  3. Full-code: You can switch to Scripting mode to independently write test scripts and then toggle back to no-code and low-code modes as needed. These modes complement the full-code option, offering the benefits of easy test creation through point-and-click methods, along with the flexibility of detailed scripting. This approach shifts the emphasis from the complexities of writing tests to focusing on what needs to be tested, significantly boosting productivity.

Here's a sneek peak of Katalon in action:


Start Testing With Katalon Today!

#2. Postman


Originally developed as a Chrome browser plugin, Postman has since expanded into an on-premise solution available for both Mac and Windows.

Feature Highlights:

  • User-friendly REST client with a rich interface
  • Suitable for both automated and exploratory testing
  • Compatible with Mac, Linux, and Windows
  • Offers numerous integrations, including support for Swagger and RAML formats
  • Comprehensive features for running, testing, documenting, and monitoring APIs

Postman makes it easy to share knowledge within a team by allowing users to package requests and expected responses, which can then be sent to coworkers effortlessly.

In the latest 10.6.0 version, Postman introduces advanced preferences to help users better organize collections and API elements (such as mock servers, monitors, tests, and documentation) generated from API schemas. It also allows for the use of data files to test APIs with different data points and offers a configurable scheduled run feature that can send email notifications in the event of test failures or errors.

Website: Get Postman

Pricing: Free – $12/user/month

Read More: Top 15 Postman Alternatives For API Testing


E2E Testing: The Top Layer

1. What is E2E Testing?

End-to-end (E2E) testing involves evaluating an entire software application from start to finish, simulating real user interactions and data flows. The goal is to identify bugs that occur when all parts of the system work together, ensuring the application behaves as expected in real-world scenarios.

Read More: What is E2E testing?

2. What is UI Testing?

UI testing is also a crucial part of the testing pyramid. UI testing is an integral part of End-to-End (E2E) testing because it focuses on verifying that the user interface (UI) of an application works as expected from the end user's perspective.


Due to the dynamic nature of UIs, testers usually find it difficult to reduce risk of false positives.

A false positive in visual testing occurs when testers mistakenly identify an element as visually buggy, even though it isn't. These false positives can disrupt the development process, as teams must sift through these "false alarms" before addressing the actual critical issues.

For example, a common method for UI testing involves comparing a reference or baseline image of the desired UI with the current UI to detect any differences. These differences are considered visual regressions that need fixing. This method, known as the Pixel-based Comparison or Image Comparison approach, seems straightforward, but it has several inherent weaknesses that can lead to false positives, such as:

  1. Dynamic Content: Websites and applications often contain dynamic elements like dates, times, or the Cart icon on eCommerce sites. Visual regression test scripts might mistakenly identify these expected changes as bugs.
  2. Animation & GIFs: Animations and GIFs are also dynamic content. Elements like a "Loading" button can cause false positives in visual regression testing.
  3. Rendering Differences: Different hardware configurations can render images with slight variations in color and anti-aliasing, leading to discrepancies that are difficult for visual test scripts to account for.
  4. Padding/Margin: On-screen padding and margins can vary across devices, browsers, and systems, further complicating accurate visual testing.

3. Best Practices for E2E/UI Testing

To effectively tackle the challenges of UI Testing, follow these best practices:

  1. Identify Key Flows: Focus on the most critical user paths first. These are the interactions that users perform most frequently or that are essential for the application's core functionality.
  2. Use Automated Tools for Repetitive Tasks: automated UI tests can handle repetitive tasks efficiently, reducing the manual testing workload. Tools like Katalon, Selenium, and Cypress can simulate user interactions and validate UI elements.
  3. Regularly Update Tests to Reflect UI Changes: as the UI evolves, regularly update your tests to match the latest design and functionality. This prevents outdated tests from causing false positives or negatives.

E2E tests without code