
Accelerating digital
transformations with software testing

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Testing remains one of the largest bottlenecks
Digital Transformation is a top priority for organizations around the world regardless of industry or size. Line of business executives and product owners are designing new products and service offerings at a rapid pace to create memorable customer experiences and stay ahead of their competition.
However, despite all of the advancements in processes and enabling technologies, the timeframe for most organizations to go from “idea to outcome” or “concept to cash” has not materially improved over the past couple of years. Why?
The Testing phase of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) has not significantly evolved and remains one of the largest bottlenecks impacting the throughput and velocity of digital innovation.
Businesses cannot release products fast enough because an extensive amount of time is spent on designing and executing test cases that mimic user behavior through the applications.
Ultimately the quality of their digital product or service is affected as a result of complex, brittle, slow, and expensive approaches to software quality management.

How Katalon accelerates the agile software development process

Limited Unit and API testing allows bugs to pass through and creates reliability issues. Prevent these issues with thorough testing.

Global Clinical Trials Organization

  • $4.77M of Economic Impact received from improvements in their quality assurance process, mitigation of defects, and acceleration of project delivery
  • Increased time to market. In one recent project, they cut 8 weeks of work down to just 6 hours
  • Katalon introduced repeatability into their quality processes which enables more frequent iteration
  • Increased the number of user journeys through the application that could be tested
  • Finding strong quality engineering talent is challenging in today’s market, especially when an organization is using a niche or custom framework. It was much easier for the customer to find resources with experience with Katalon and their existing team ramped up quickly on the platform