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Software Testing Life Cycle: A Definitive Guide


The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is your roadmap to delivering high-quality, bug-free software. Imagine it as a journey that guides software testers through every crucial step needed to transform a product from concept to perfection. 

Each phase plays a unique role—whether it's catching bugs, enhancing functionality, or ensuring the final product meets business needs. Every stage works in harmony to guarantee the software is ready for the real world. 

Ready to dive in? Let’s explore the six key stages of the STLC, from Requirement Analysis to Test Cycle Closure.

Software Testing Life Cycle by Katalon

1. Requirement Analysis

At this stage, software testers collaborate with key stakeholders to gather and understand testing requirements. The insights gained are documented in the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), forming the backbone of the testing strategy.

In the Software Testing Life Cycle, three primary stakeholders work together:

  • Product Owner: Represents business goals and defines the problem that needs solving.
  • Developer: Builds the solution based on the product owner’s specifications.
  • Tester: Validates that the solution works correctly and identifies issues.

Clear communication between these roles is essential. Using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) can help simplify requirements and prevent ambiguous tests. This phase is also where testers check for the feasibility of implementing requirements. If there are constraints, discussions with the business side are crucial to adjust expectations or find alternative solutions.

2. Test Planning

Once the requirements are understood, the Test Planning phase begins. This is the stage in the Software Testing Life Cycle where the test strategy is formalized.

Key components of test planning include:

  • Test Objectives: Identify what aspects—such as functionality, usability, performance, and security—need to be tested.
  • Test Deliverables: Define the test cases, scenarios, and data that will be produced and monitored.
  • Scope: Clarify which features will be tested and which will not (in-scope vs. out-of-scope).
  • Resources: Estimate the costs, tools, and personnel required for the testing process.
  • Timeline: Set milestones for test phases alongside the software development cycle.
  • Test Approach: Choose appropriate testing techniques (e.g., black box or white box testing), levels (unit, integration, system), and types (regression, smoke, performance).

For greater control over the project, a Contingency Plan is recommended to handle unexpected challenges during the testing process.

Learn more: How to write a test plan document?

3. Test Case Development

In this stage of the Software Testing Life Cycle, testers start developing test cases based on the requirements and planning outcomes. A test case outlines how a particular feature or functionality will be tested.

Example Test Case:



Test Case ID



Verify Login with Valid Credentials


User is on the login page

Test Steps

1. Enter email, 2. Enter password, 3. Sign In

Test Data

Email:, Password: valid123

Expected Result

User is logged in and redirected to homepage

Actual Result

(To be filled after execution)

Pass/Fail Criteria

Pass: Login success, Fail: Error displayed

A strong test case should clearly outline what’s being tested, expected outcomes, and pass/fail criteria. Testers often think creatively about how to "break" the system to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Test case management is a key part of this process. Even if using a basic spreadsheet, testers are still practicing case management. Tools like Xray (for manual testing) and Katalon or Selenium (for automated tests) can simplify and enhance test case tracking and execution.

4. Test Environment Setup

This phase of the Software Testing Life Cycle involves configuring the test environment—the hardware, software, and network conditions under which testing will take place.

For example, these are the test environments you can use to run your tests with in Katalon Studio:

mobile test execution in Katalon

For example, if you’re testing a mobile app, you’ll need:

  • Development Environment: Tools like Android Studio or Xcode, simulators for virtual device testing, and local databases for early integration tests.
  • Physical Devices: A variety of physical devices (iPhone, Android models) to uncover issues that simulators might miss.
  • Test Automation Tools: Tools like Appium or Katalon Studio can automate testing across multiple devices and platforms.
  • Emulators/Simulators: Use Android Studio emulators or Xcode simulators for iOS to quickly test different devices and configurations.

Ensuring that the test environment mimics the real-world use cases as closely as possible is crucial for accurate results.


5. Test Execution

test execution out of the stages in software testing life cycle

Now that the test cases are written and the environment is set up, the Test Execution phase begins. During this step in the Software Testing Life Cycle, test cases are executed, and the outcomes are compared to the expected results.

The typical test case statuses during execution are:

  • Untested: Test case hasn’t been executed yet.
  • Blocked: Test case cannot be executed due to dependencies (e.g., unresolved defects, missing data).
  • Failed: The actual result didn’t meet the expected result.
  • Passed: Test case executed successfully, and the expected outcome was achieved.
  • Skipped: Test case was not relevant to the current testing cycle.
  • Deprecated: Test case is no longer valid due to updates or changes in the application.

Defects found during this phase are logged and reported to the development team, who then resolve them.

Learn more: Best practices for test execution

6. Test Cycle Closure

The final phase in the Software Testing Life Cycle is Test Cycle Closure. After all test cases have been executed, the focus shifts to analyzing the outcomes and creating the Test Report.

This report summarizes key findings, including:

  • Execution Environment: Details like operating systems, devices, and browsers used during testing.
  • Test Log: A chronological record of test execution and outcomes.
  • Test Results: Charts and graphs showing pass/fail ratios, performance trends, and execution times.
  • Comparative Analysis: Data comparing results from different software versions, identifying improvements or regressions.
  • Recommendations: Actionable insights for debugging and future improvements.

Katalon vs Selenium smart test reporting built-in

Testers gather to evaluate the project’s success, review the findings, and document lessons learned for future reference. This step ensures continuous improvement in the testing process.

Learn more: How to build a good test report?


The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a structured process that helps ensure software quality by breaking down the testing journey into manageable, repeatable steps. From the initial Requirement Analysis to Test Cycle Closure, each phase contributes to making software more reliable, functional, and aligned with business objectives. Whether you're writing test cases, executing them, or setting up test environments, following these stages will help you build a robust testing strategy that minimizes bugs and maximizes performance.

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