Requirements Traceability Matrix
in Software Testing
In software testing, how can testers ensure that all of their clients’ requirements are met?
The secret is having a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) in hand.
The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that maps and traces user requirements with test cases, delivered at the end of the software development life cycle.
All possible test cases, scenarios and their current status are typically included in the traceability matrix in the form of a table or chart to display many-to-many relationships.
Forward Traceability
This traceability is used to check whether the product or project is meeting the right requirements.
Backward Traceability
This type of traceability is used to determine if the current product is on the right track.
Bi-Directional Traceability
This type of traceability maps requirements to test cases (forward traceability) and test cases to requirements (backward traceability).
Keep track of requirements in one place. Visualize and locate data in no time.
Earlier test decision planning
An RTM shows which code and design components correspond to which requirements. This can enable further actions in test planning, or determine whether a test case should be maintained or not.
Enhanced transparency
Having a shared RTM can help your team collaborate more effectively by keeping everyone informed of progress and upcoming tasks.
Empowered test case quality
Having the status of test cases present (if a test case passed or failed) can help assess overall quality of the test, thus modifying according to the requirements.
Seamless Integration
Work with your current test development tools: Jira, Selenium.
Results & Progress Tracking
100% test coverage. Real-time data on test status.
Enhanced Efficiency
Supported with TestCloud. Locate, visualize and analyze data with ease.
Centralized Data Hub
Improve the overall tracking, reporting and distribution of requirements.
End-to-end View
Track test cases with their corresponding requirements, plans, and release readiness.