Keyword-Driven Testing
  • Prebuilt with hundreds of keywords that cover all web, API, mobile, and desktop testing.
  • Customize your own custom keywords for more advanced testing requirements.
  • Dual-editor interfaces for both recording and scripting approaches.
  • Leverage keywords external libraries to extend your testing capabilities.
Keyword-Driven Testing
Page Object Model Testing
  • Support building test scripts with Page Object Model (POM) standard.
  • Flexible code reuse across multiple projects.
  • Easily control the execution workflow with the Test Listener feature.
  • Leverage parameterization in the Call Test Case feature to reuse existing test cases.
Page Object Model Testing
Data-driven Testing
  • Support dynamic data sources via CSV, Excel, and databases or through Katalon Studio internal data.
  • Support data type binding for test case scripts, as well as test objects and web services request attributes.
  • Support data snapshot capturing to verify changes during the execution process.
  • Support Global Variables binding to easily manage test scripts in different development stages.
Data-driven Testing
TDD/BDD Testing
  • Build Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) feature files and test scripts right in Katalon Studio via Cucumber extension.
  • Flexibly execute BDD scripts using Katalon Studio test case, test suite, and test suite collection structures.
  • Compose feature files in Jira and synchronize to Katalon Studio to automate test scenarios easily.
  • Send execution results to Jira in real-time, allowing for an instant feedback loop for early adjustment.
DD/BDD Testing