Katalon's Virtual Summit
Quality Horizon 2024
The Software Quality Forum
  • 10 AM - 2 PM (ET)
  • 4 PM - 8 PM (CEST)
  • 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM - JAN 26 (IST)
The Quality Horizon 2024 Summit presented by Katalon is a virtual partner event where innovations in software quality unfold.
In partnership with industry pioneers, Curiosity Software, OctoPerf, WireMock, and Xray, this virtual summit will be packed with insightful sessions, panel discussions, and a chance to connect with thought leaders, fellow practitioners, and industry experts shaping the software quality landscape.
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Get ready to be inspired by our distinguished lineup of sessions and experts
Revolutionizing Testing with Generative AI
Alex Martins - Vice President of Strategy at Katalon, Inc.
This presentation delves into the transformative power of Generative AI in revolutionizing software testing. Alex will discuss how AI-driven test generation is reshaping testing paradigms, elevating efficiency, and ensuring the delivery of robust and reliable software solutions.Watch recording ->
Code vs. Clicks: The Shifting Landscape of Performance Testing
Guillaume Bétaillouloux - Co-founder at Octoperf
We will look at how performance testing is changing and why it's better to use simple, user-friendly tools instead of complex code-based ones. We show how an easy-to-use interface can make load testing simple for everyone in your team. Instead of relying solely on complex open-source tools, we explain the benefits of making performance testing accessible to everyone in your organization. This not only will boost overall efficiency but also remove the headaches of dealing with complicated testing setups.Watch recording ->
Embedding Mocking into your Katalon Test Suites to Solve Dependency Headaches
Dan Perovich - Head of Sales Engineering and Customer Success at WireMock
Internal APIs are ubiquitous in modern software development. However, the handover between the team building the API and the team that’s meant to consume it tends to break down - resulting in late feedback and considerable delays in shipping features and products. In this workshop, we'll work with WireMock Cloud's API prototyping feature that allows developers to collaborate and iterate better from the initial design discussions through integration testing. We refer to this approach as mock-first API prototyping.Watch recording ->
The Holy Grail of Testing: Have we found it?
Sérgio Freire - Director of Solution Architecture & Test Management at Xray
Will the next Indiana Jones uncover the Holy Grail of Testing? What is it anyway? What makes us chase that artifact? Is there any way of making testing perfect in all that it embraces? Let's dive into it together!Watch recording ->
Testing AI, AI-Driven Systems, and Machine Learning Pipelines
Ben Johnson-Ward - Lead Solutions Engineer at Curiosity Software
As more of the systems and applications we are responsible for start integrating with AI tools, how do we ensure the quality of AI infused into them? How do we expand our testing and quality practices to cover AIs and the associated applications themselves?Watch recording ->
Panel discussion
The Future of Software Quality
Engage in a dynamic conversation about the rapidly evolving landscape and future of software quality. This session will offer insights into emerging trends and challenges in software testing and quality assurance.
The discussion will cover:
  • The impact of emerging technologies like AI on the methodologies and tools in software testing.
  • Balancing innovation and reliability in the fast-paced world of software development.
  • The evolving role of performance testing in ensuring software excellence.
  • Strategies for enhancing developer productivity and efficiency in a changing technological environment.
  • Visionary insights into the long-term goals and challenges in software quality assurance.
Watch recording ->
Key Takeaways
Evolution of Testing with AI
Understanding the journey of AI in testing, from the first tools to the latest Generative AI advancements.
Real-World Applications
Gain insights into ongoing projects demonstrating the effectiveness of performance testing and quality management.
Integration Strategies
Learn practical approaches to seamlessly integrate and optimize developer productivity with API developers.
Interactive Q&A
Engage with our speakers during live Q&A sessions for a deeper understanding of their topics.
Future Outlook
Receive expert predictions on upcoming trends and prepare your organization for the software quality revolution.
Reserve your spot today and join us on January 25, 2024, for the Quality Horizon 2024 Summit!
Can’t make it? No worries, all registrants will receive a copy of the recording.
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM (ET)
Opening Remarks and Welcome
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM (ET)
Panel Discussion and Interactive Q&A
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM (ET)
Revolutionizing Testing with Generative AI
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM (ET)
Code vs. Clicks: The Shifting Landscape of Performance Testing
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM (ET)
Embedding Mocking into your Katalon Test Suites to Solve Dependency Headaches
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM (ET)
The Holy Grail of Testing: Have we found it?
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM (ET)
Testing AI, AI-Driven Systems, and Machine Learning Pipelines
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM (ET)
Closing Remarks
*You can choose to join sessions separately by following our agenda!
Watch recording
Our speakers
Lucio Daza
Lucio Daza
Vice President of Product Marketing at Katalon, Inc.
Lucio has over 16 years of experience in the software industry in multiple roles as a solution architect, product and marketing manager. At Katalon, he leads the Product Marketing team to show the value of products to enterprises around the globe.
Lucio Daza
Lucio Daza
Vice President of Product Marketing at Katalon, Inc.
Lucio has over 16 years of experience in the software industry in multiple roles as a solution architect, product and marketing manager. At Katalon, he leads the Product Marketing team to show the value of products to enterprises around the globe.
Alex Martins
Alex Martins
Vice President of Strategy at Katalon, Inc.
Alex is a seasoned leader in the technology industry with extensive international business experience in agile software engineering, continuous testing, and DevOps. Starting out as a developer and then moving into software testing, Alex rose through the ranks to build and lead quality engineering practices across multiple enterprise companies from different industries around the world. Throughout his career, Alex has led the transformation of testing and quality assurance practices, as well as designing enhanced organizational structures to support the culture change necessary for successful adoption of modern software engineering approaches such as Agile and DevOps, and how these are being further transformed with Generative AI.
Alex Martins
Alex Martins
Vice President of Strategy at Katalon, Inc.
Alex is a seasoned leader in the technology industry with extensive international business experience in agile software engineering, continuous testing, and DevOps. Starting out as a developer and then moving into software testing, Alex rose through the ranks to build and lead quality engineering practices across multiple enterprise companies from different industries around the world. Throughout his career, Alex has led the transformation of testing and quality assurance practices, as well as designing enhanced organizational structures to support the culture change necessary for successful adoption of modern software engineering approaches such as Agile and DevOps, and how these are being further transformed with Generative AI.
Sérgio Freire
Sérgio Freire
Director of Solution Architecture at Xray
Sérgio Freire is the Director of Solution Architecture at Xray. He works closely with many teams worldwide from distinct yet highly demanding sectors (Automotive, Health, and Telco among others) to help them achieve great, high-quality, testable products. By understanding how organizations work - their needs, context, and background -, processes and quality can be improved, while development and testing can “merge” towards a common goal: provide the best product that stakeholders need.
Sérgio Freire
Sérgio Freire
Director of Solution Architecture at Xray
Sérgio Freire is the Director of Solution Architecture at Xray. He works closely with many teams worldwide from distinct yet highly demanding sectors (Automotive, Health, and Telco among others) to help them achieve great, high-quality, testable products. By understanding how organizations work - their needs, context, and background -, processes and quality can be improved, while development and testing can “merge” towards a common goal: provide the best product that stakeholders need.
Ben Johnson-Ward
Ben Johnson-Ward
Lead Solutions Engineer at Curiosity Software
Ben has spent the past 12 years pioneering testing tools and techniques for global banks, retailers, insurance companies, telcos and beyond. He has occupied many of the roles associated with “quality”, including developer, product owner, product manager, automation engineer and tester. Ben has often gravitated towards model-based testing and test data. He has worked as a product manager and consultant of tools that have been used to create and optimize tests for many different technologies and projects. Since August 2022, Ben has focused on the use of Generative AI for testing, serving as a product manager and services engineer for multiple tools. He has explored the fringe possibilities and disruptive capabilities of AI, alongside techniques which are emerging as enterprise-ready.
Ben Johnson-Ward
Ben Johnson-Ward
Lead Solutions Engineer at Curiosity Software
Ben has spent the past 12 years pioneering testing tools and techniques for global banks, retailers, insurance companies, telcos and beyond. He has occupied many of the roles associated with “quality”, including developer, product owner, product manager, automation engineer and tester. Ben has often gravitated towards model-based testing and test data. He has worked as a product manager and consultant of tools that have been used to create and optimize tests for many different technologies and projects. Since August 2022, Ben has focused on the use of Generative AI for testing, serving as a product manager and services engineer for multiple tools. He has explored the fringe possibilities and disruptive capabilities of AI, alongside techniques which are emerging as enterprise-ready.
Guillaume Bétaillouloux
Guillaume Bétaillouloux
Co-founder at Octoperf
Guillaume is a performance geek and trainer since 2009, with expertise in Performance test management and Performance testing methodology. He currently leads the product and support at Octoperf.
Guillaume Bétaillouloux
Guillaume Bétaillouloux
Co-founder at Octoperf
Guillaume is a performance geek and trainer since 2009, with expertise in Performance test management and Performance testing methodology. He currently leads the product and support at Octoperf.
Dan Perovich
Dan Perovich
Head of Sales Engineering and Customer Success at WireMock
Dan Perovich is a seasoned Sales Engineer recognized for his ability to bridge the gap between technology and business. With a proven track record of delivering technical expertise to drive sales and revenue growth, Dan combines his deep technical knowledge with persuasive communication skills to empower organizations with the right solutions. His passion for solving complex technical challenges and forging meaningful client relationships has established him as a key contributor in the various software companies where he has worked. He is based in the Washington, DC area.
Dan Perovich
Dan Perovich
Head of Sales Engineering and Customer Success at WireMock
Dan Perovich is a seasoned Sales Engineer recognized for his ability to bridge the gap between technology and business. With a proven track record of delivering technical expertise to drive sales and revenue growth, Dan combines his deep technical knowledge with persuasive communication skills to empower organizations with the right solutions. His passion for solving complex technical challenges and forging meaningful client relationships has established him as a key contributor in the various software companies where he has worked. He is based in the Washington, DC area.