
Test Failure Troubleshooting with Katalon Studio

Know why your tests fail and pinpoint root issues without any extra coding or workaround.
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How Smart Troubleshooting Features Work
Prevents your tests to fail by automatically relocating alternative pre-configured locators of the broken objects.Learn more
Test Failure Retry
Test Failure Retry
Spots flaky tests faster through re-running failed tests a set number of times, compiles all execution logs into one single report and identifies false positives.Learn more
Time Capsule
Time Capsule
Restore the AUT state when a test fails without reproducing the whole steps to fix broken web objects quicker.Learn more
Browser-BasedRecorder & Screenshots
Browser-Based Recorder & Screenshots
Rewind and observe broken tests during their runtime, or take snapshots of failed tests. This is especially handy in a headless environment.Learn more
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