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Katalon Studio 9.1 Release

Katalon Studio 9.1 official release


Now officially supporting Appium 2.0 for easier and more streamlined mobile testing.

Today, we are excited to announce the release of Katalon Studio 9.1. This release introduces a significant revamp of Studio’s core libraries, now supporting Appium 2.2.0.

Here are the highlights of this release. Read on to check out all the updates below. 

1. Support for Appium 2.0 

The official release of Appium 2.0 last year culminates years of enhancements to the Appium 1.x series. This update represents the most significant overhaul in the last five years, introducing substantial changes. Key among these are the removal of outdated features, incorporation of various improvements, and a pivotal shift in Appium's direction, now reimagined as a platform.

So, what does this mean to our Katalon Studio users? Here is a breakdown of the benefits:

Support for iOS 16, as well as Xcode 14

Katalon Studio 9.1 now extends its robust support to the latest iOS versions, seamlessly integrating with Xcode 14. This update ensures developers and testers can work with the most recent iOS features and improvements, enhancing compatibility and performance in their app testing environments.

Katalon Studio 9.1 new features for iOS devices

Record and Spy with Appium 2.x on Mobile Native Apps

Introducing an elevated experience for mobile app testing with Katalon Studio, the support for Appium 2.0 enhances Record and Spy utilities to streamline the process of creating and executing tests on your mobile applications. This feature simplifies capturing user interactions and spying on app elements, making it easier to build robust and reliable automated tests, saving time and improving accuracy.


Run with Appium 2.x on Mobile Native Apps and Browsers

Katalon Studio 9.1 embraces the full potential of Appium 2.x for mobile browser testing. This integration allows testers to run their automated scripts on multiple mobile browsers, ensuring that web applications perform flawlessly across different devices and platforms. This enhancement is crucial for teams focusing on cross-browser compatibility and responsive web design.


Run with Appium 2.x Using Katalon Runtime Engine

Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) leverages the power of Appium 2.x in Katalon Studio 9.1. This combination provides a robust environment for executing automated tests in CI/CD pipelines or remote servers.


Configure Appium via Command Line: -appiumDirectory=”<path>”

Katalon Studio 9.1 enhances flexibility by allowing users to configure Appium directly from the command line. Using the -appiumDirectory=”<path>” command, users can specify the Appium directory path, tailoring the testing environment to their specific requirements. This feature is handy for advanced users and teams who need to customize their Appium setup for specialized testing scenarios or integrated development environments.


2. Enhanced and Easier iOS Setup

Understanding the challenges our users faced with iOS setup in mobile testing, we've revamped the installation process. The dependencies have been streamlined, eliminating the need for libraries no longer required by Appium 2. This ensures a smoother setup and a more efficient integration process.

New Features for iOS Real Devices

  • Device selection: A new option has been introduced for easily selecting iOS real devices.
  • Provisioning profile selection: Users now have the option to select the appropriate provisioning profile, offering greater control and customization for their testing environments.
  • Detailed development identities: We've enhanced the details provided for development identities, making it easier for users to manage and utilize them effectively.

Katalon Studio 9.1 select a provisioning profile

Improved WebDriver Agent

The WebDriver Agent has been restructured for more straightforward navigation and certificate selection. This enhancement is part of our commitment to making every aspect of mobile testing as accessible and efficient as possible.

Katalon Studio 9.1 improved WebDriver Agent

User Interface and Troubleshooting Enhancements

Minor changes in the UI have been implemented for a cleaner and more intuitive experience. Access to troubleshooting documentation and dialogues with clearer instructions has been added. These updates are designed to assist users in quickly resolving issues and gaining a deeper understanding of the tool's functionalities.



Start Testing With Katalon Now

Wrapping Up

This release represents a significant milestone for Katalon Studio. By officially supporting Appium 2.0, we've streamlined mobile testing, making it more efficient and user-friendly. We trust that these new features and enhancements will prove valuable in your testing efforts. Stay tuned for future product announcements as we enrich Katalon Studio with innovative features and updates. For more detailed information about the enhancements, changes and fixes included in Studio 9.1 please visit the technical release notes here.

And make sure to join our Katalon Community forum to get the latest updates on the Katalon Platform as well as to connect with and receive support from other Katalon users: Katalon Community – The Official Discussion Forum of Katalon. We love our community feedback and they love to share and lend a helping hand. 

Last but not least, don't forget to check out Katalon Academy – Katalon Academy  Automation Testing Courses to Level Up – with courses and learning paths to help you transition from manual to automation testing.