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Katalon Delivers End-to-End Test Automation Solution on AWS Marketplace


“We build our solution on top of an AWS stack. It frees us up to think about creating innovative solutions and not worry about infrastructure”
- Vu Lam, CEO of Katalon

In order to help enterprise customers release faster and deliver on time, Katalon has built an integration where automation scripts can be stored in AWS CodeCommit and an AWS CodePipeline project can execute them using the integration.

From this comes several strategic benefits:

  1. AWS provides scalable infrastructure for enterprises to perform large-scale regression testing. This infrastructure can also flexibly scale to meet organization-specific demands, which improves resource optimization.
  2. Enterprises can build a robust CI/CD pipeline to drastically reduce manual testing intervention and accelerate time-to-market. Being able to release faster means companies can respond more quickly to market demands, customer feedback, and competitive pressure.
  3. Since the automation scripts are stored in AWS CodeCommit, they are easily accessible to all teams. This translates into enhanced business agility.

→ Check out the case study we produced with AWS on this


Introducing Katalon TestOps



Katalon TestOps is your centralized hub for test planning, test management, test organization, test execution, and test analysis. It is the software testing lifecycle in one unified workspace to bring comprehensive visibility to any stakeholders involved. 

What are the capabilities you can enjoy? TestOps™ helps you plan your tests, organize them in a hierarchical fashion, schedule for execution across on-demand environments that can be run in parallel, and then it generates rich reports with AI-powered actionable insights to help stakeholders make informed decisions.



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