Open-source testing tools vs. Katalon Calculator
Open-source testing tools vs. Katalon Calculator
Your results (costs)
Open-source testing tools
Katalon platform
Total design + maintain
Est. cost to design new tests
With low complexity
With medium complexity
With high complexity
Est. cost to maintain new tests
With low complexity
With medium complexity
With high complexity
Est. cost of additional effort
Total cost according to work-hours
Your results (work-hours)
Open-source testing tools
Katalon platform
Total design + maintain
0 hrs
0 hrs
Est. work hours to design new tests
0 hrs
0 hrs
With low complexity
0 hrs
0 hrs
With medium complexity
0 hrs
0 hrs
With high complexity
0 hrs
0 hrs
Est. work hours to maintain new tests
0 hrs
0 hrs
With low complexity
0 hrs
0 hrs
With medium complexity
0 hrs
0 hrs
With high complexity
0 hrs
0 hrs
Est. work hours of additional effort
0 hrs
0 hrs
Total work-hours
0 hrs
0 hrs

Open-source testing tools vs. Katalon Calculator

Open-source testing tools vs Katalon Calculator
New tests to be designed
Existing tests to be maintained
With low complexity
Low complexity tests are unit tests, component (module) tests, sanity tests, etc.
With medium complexity
Medium complexity tests are regression tests, integration tests, smoke tests, etc.
With high complexity
High complexity tests are end-to-end tests (system tests), visual tests, usability testing, etc.
Your team spends 0%
of total effort for additional tasks
e.g. script execution, planning & analysis, design auto framework & methodologies, training & enablement, environment management, etc.

Your results

View side-by-side comparison of
Open-source testing tools
Katalon Platform
Total design + maintain
Est. cost to design new tests
With low complexity
With medium complexity
With high complexity
Est. cost to maintain new tests
With low complexity
With medium complexity
With high complexity
Est. cost of additional effort
Total cost according to work-hours

More on open-source testing tools

What are the advantages and long-term disadvantages of using open-source automated testing tools?

Open-source testing tools offer a variety of capabilities, allowing teams to tailor them to their specific needs. With relatively low costs of switching tools, they can also try multiple options to find the one that fits their preferences with little constraints.

However, in the long term, teams might face prevalent difficulties with open-source testing tools including:

  • The lack of support and documentation
  • Security risks
  • Costs of continuous maintenance
  • The complex process of integrating multiple tools
  • A high level of expertise needed

How can commercial testing tools or platforms benefit quality teams?

Commercialized software testing tools, packaged as a comprehensive quality management platform like the Katalon Platform, are tailor-made for DevOps testing. It assists in every phase of the software testing life cycle, from planning, authoring, organizing, and executing to analyzing. Furthermore, it supports web, API, mobile, and desktop testing, allowing your team to scale with minimal friction.

A holistic approach to testing with a platform like Katalon gets everyone on board with the QA team. It unifies stakeholders, clients, software engineers, and quality engineers with full visibility and a streamlined process. This will accelerate the feedback loop and software releases.

Why do teams need more than open-source single-point tools for quality assurance?

The market demands high-quality software with sophisticated features and frequent releases. This puts quality engineers in a position where they must ensure quality under the constraints of time and resource shortage. In a time-sensitive environment, open-source testing tools might add more issues than solving them.

It is a common belief that open-source tools are budget-friendly. But in reality, this is far from the truth. Open-source tools introduce hidden costs such as the work hours spent on complex integrations and the effort required to maintain the bulky system. Experienced quality engineers will have to maintain the framework and integrations instead of focusing on the product’s quality.

Sustaining a stagnant, open-source testing system might take more time and effort than testing itself. This usually causes teams to go back to manual testing entirely. Because of these challenges, open-source testing tools’ popularity, like Selenium*, is on the decline.

*The State of Quality Report 2022 - Katalon

How will software testing platforms serve your team better than single-point solutions?

Software development and quality teams need a testing platform, not just tools. To maintain competitiveness and release quality software at speed, the industry is shifting towards a holistic approach to testing with the use of software quality management platforms.

Quality platforms like the Katalon Platform are easy to use and adopt, despite the team size and expertise level. Katalon allows you to do more - more automation, more coverage, more insights - with speed and centralization.

In contrast with open-source tools like Selenium, Appium, Cypress, JMeter, JUnit, RobotFramework, etc., the Katalon Platform does not have a steep learning curve. Teams can start testing and receiving results immediately with Katalon’s native CI/CD integrations and built-in reporting capabilities. Testing is done faster with fewer silos as teams can plan, author, organize and execute all in one platform.

With different scripting modes, from low-code to full-code, all members can contribute to automation despite their levels of coding expertise. The platform is also flexible in its pricing model, so your team can customize a platform that best fits your current needs and scale as you go.

Key factors to consider when moving from open-source to commercial testing tools:

Before transitioning from open-source to commercial tools, current requirements and strategies should be carefully analyzed. Here are some of the key points to pay attention to when scouting for a software quality solution.

  • Platforms supported - It is best to go with a solution that supports multiple platforms (e.g. API, web, desktop, and mobile testing) which allows your testing scope to expand seamlessly.
  • Customizable features and integrations - Acquiring a full-fledged platform might be overkill for some projects. Choose a vendor that allows features and integration customization to fit with the current testing scope.
  • Flexibility in pricing model - Choose a vendor that offers flexible pricing.
  • Low-code to full-code - To maximize all team members’ skill sets, the ideal platform should have multiple scripting modes that fit multiple preferences and expertise levels.
  • Technical support and documentation - A large community, regularly updated documentation, and support from your vendor will help you utilize the platform with ease.

Do you want to know more about the Katalon Platform's capabilities? Connect with our experts now to find the perfect plan for your team.

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Switching to a comprehensive software quality management platform can speed up your team maturity significantly. Connect with us to find out how Katalon can help.