Accelerate testing process
with low-code automation

Quickly create, execute and maintain your tests for web, API, mobile and desktop with the programming flexibility
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Why low-code
test automation
of Katalon
is for you?

👋 Effective collaboration

Better collaborate with stakeholders across different roles, even non-tech people, for actionable insights and informed decision-making. 

💎️ Team empowerment

Enable more team members, regardless of coding experience, to easily create test automation projects with minimal entry barriers.

🌱 Efficiency at scale

Accelerate release cycles with less repetitive tasks and more efficient time allocation on tests that matter.

🧾 Cost optimization

Save amplified effort and workload from framework setup and maintenance, allowing resources to be allocated more strategically.

Test Planning
Align requirements and testing strategy.
Smart scheduling
Enhance test cycle efficiency by strategically prioritizing and scheduling essential tests for optimal impact.
Integrations with Jira
Seamlessly import or link Jira releases of any status to your test cases.
Test Creation
Easily create tests in 1 minute with the programming flexibility of low-code and full-code approaches.
Object Spy
Efficiently locate, capture, and store object locators on the web to reduce time automating test cases.
Record & Playback
Capture user actions on the application and convert them into executable code in the back-end.
Advanced scripting
Make use of the rich set of built-in keywords and custom keywords for quicker automated testing.
Test Management
Intuitively centralize all your test management in one platform.
Test Artifacts Sharing
Import and export test artifacts, including test cases, test objects, profiles, and custom keywords across projects.
Custom Fields and Tags
Organize, query and search your test cases based on the attributes you have created.
Built-in integration
Link automated tests to existing manual tests with one-click integrations with popular ALMs like Jira, X-ray, qTest, and more.
Test Execution
Flexibly execute in CLI mode, local and remote machines through native integration with CI/CD systems.
Prevent tests from failing by automatically relocating, creating and using correct, resilient locators of broken objects when the AUT changes.
Smart Wait
Automatically wait for all front-end processes of a page to complete before taking further test steps.
Parallel executions
Execute multiple test suites at the same time across a variety of OS/browser mix plus mobile devices with customized setup.
Native CI/CD integration
Streamline your connections with the most popular CI/CD tools, like Jenkins, AzureDevOps (ADO), AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild and more.
Test Report & Analytics
Obtain actionable insights through real-time visibility and pertinent metrics on test progress.
Failure analysis
Promptly attain a comprehensive understanding of your test case failures through automated assertion detection.
Built-in report
Simplify your result collection and analysis through the option to export reports in JUnit, HTML, or CSV formats.
Customized alerts
Receive notifications based on your predefined conditions and thresholds without continuous follow-ups.

Boost testing efficiency with AI-powered features

Learn more
Automate visual testing without writing code with Katalon Platform

Visual Testing

Automatically capture minor differences between two images, which human eyes might accidentally miss.

Receive tailored testing recommendations based on real user interactions with Katalon TrueTest.

TrueTest Beta

Streamline test creation process by automatically discovering, modelling, generating, and maintaining user-journey test cases by real user interactions.

Leverage Katalon's GPT-powered test generator to do low-code automation testing

Manual test generation

Enable Jira users to generate a set of comprehensive manual test cases tailored to described test scenarios from a single button click within Jira issues.

Generate code from business language, or explain code for stakeholders to understand, all with just one click. Adopt low-code automation testing with Katalon


Automatically write Groovy code with keywords, get clear and accurate explanations of generated code.

Testimonial about Katalon low-code automation capabilities from Steve Johnson Lead QA Engineer of SAGA

“Since Katalon offers an intuitive, easy-to-learn low-code test automation experience for beginners, we can enable and empower a broader set of testers to contribute to Saga's software quality efforts…

We're running at least 100 scenarios per product, per development release with Katalon. When regression testing was manual, we would have only been able to test around 30 scenarios.”
Read full story


per product,
per development


the team's
testing capacity


of the time spent
on software testing
Unlock the power of
low-code test automation
with Katalon today!
Start testing now