We’re excited to roll out our new integration between Katalon Studio and TestingBot. This integration plugin allows you to easily create and manage tests in Katalon Studio and extend your test coverage with more than 2,000 browsers and devices from TestingBot.
This plugin is available for free download on Katalon Store.
You can easily configure your credentials and choices of browsers and devices and take advantage of the TestingBot Selenium and Appium grid. After every test, this plugin will automatically send the correct status to TestingBot.
TestingBot is a service that provides automated testing of websites and apps on different platforms and devices. The supported browsers and devices include:
To connect with TestingBot, you will need to configure Katalon Studio to pass the correct configuration to TestingBot:
To run the recorded test on TestingBot, on the top menu bar, click Action > Run > Remote.
This integration is part of the Katalon Partnership Program. You can learn more about this program as well as the opportunities to foster innovation and serve the IT community here.
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